Thursday, February 19, 2009


You can buy anything on this blog.

Just call or email Rox or 801-645-1894
Just in for spring Great new Hair Bows !!!!! $3.75-$6.00
Stop in to see tons more.

Just in Today

Beautifully distressed Alder wood mirrors. They measure 8.5" X 16" This picture does not do them justice they are beautiful.
$15.00 each by Kims Creations.
Life without Chocolate
I just can't image it pillow made with "Chocolate Love" fabric line from Studio e. (I just can't image it line does not show up in the picture)
New Ribbon Frames 8 X 10 or 4 X 6 ($10-$20)
and a new wild animal print girly girl wood treasure chest $10.00